Random Rounding Numerical Stability Analysis

Random rounding is a numerical technique

We presented our version of the technique in

G. Knizia, W. Li, S. Simon, H.-J. Werner; J. Chem. Theory Comput. 7 2387 (2011)

with applications to the Molpro quantum chemistry package, a numerical program with several million lines of mixed Fortran 77, Fortran 90, C and C++ code. We were able to obtain accurate error bars on final numbers calculated by numerical programs consisting of 10 000s of lines of code.

The meta-compiler script we described can be found below. The following text gives a short overview over the technique. More information and references to related work of other authors can be found in the article.

1. Intro to floating point (FP) rounding
2. Intro to random rounding analysis
3. What the f95rr script does (randrom rounding meta-compiler)
4. Download f95rr script
5. Usage of f95rr script
6. Feedback

1. Intro to floating point (FP) rounding

When a FP operation is executed, then in general the exact result of the computation cannot be represented in a FP number, since FP numbers have limited resolution. The result of the computation thus needs to be rounded to a representable number. By default the processor rounds to the nearest FP number, but it can also to be told to round up (use as result the smallest FP number which is at least as large as the exact result) or down (use as result the largest FP number which is at most as large as the exact result).

Under unfortunate conditions, rounding errors can accumulate and amplify in non-transparent ways and lead to very inaccurate final calculation results. They also lead to FP arithmetic violating many familiar mathematical identities, like associativity laws. For example, let us assume 32bit floating point artihmetic. Then:

      a =  1.4142136
      b = -1.4142136
      c =  1.2345678 * 10-5
      c1 = (a + b) + c = 1.2345678 * 10-5
      c2 = a + (b + c) = 1.2397766 * 10-5

While here it is quite obvious what happened, in large programs such errors can occur burried deep in nested procedures, and without any indication that the final result is inaccurate (you just get a number, but no information on how many of its digits are significant). Note that all effective subtractions of large FP numbers resulting in a small result lead to relative accuracy loss. Also, often such problems show up only in large calculations which cannot be easily debugged by hand, or when uncommon calculation parameters are used. In general it is very hard to find out how accurate calculated FP numbers are. Our technique allows putting error bars on calculated FP numbers, by simply re-compiling the program and running it multiple times. Even if the final number is the result of 100 000s of lines of FP computations!

2. Intro to random rounding analysis

By default the FPU will round results of floating point operations to the nearest representable floating point number. Random rounding analysis works by changing that behavior: Before each FP operation, a small code segment is executed which changes the rounding mode to UP or DOWN randomly. Due to this, an artificial numerical noise is induced, which is of the same order of magnitude as the inherent FP rounding error, but in a random direction. Since this is done for each FP operation, a proper numerical error propagation is emulated.

Subsequently, multiple runs of the entire program will give different results. These results can be analyzed statistically to estimate the effects of normal rounding on the final calculation results. For example, if you run an calculation with random rounding which gives in eight identical runs the following eight results:

  E1 = 0.99999997
  E2 = 1.00000656
  E3 = 1.00000134
  E4 = 1.00000670
  E5 = 0.99999066
  E6 = 0.99999421
  E7 = 0.99999345
  E8 = 1.00000280
You can evaluate the mean result and root mean square deviation as
   mean(E) = 0.999999459745
   rms(E) =  5.687e-06
and conclude that your final calculation results is in reality
   E = (0.999 999 5 +/- 0.000 011 4)    (double confidence interval)
(i.e., there are only -log10(2*5.687e-06)=4.9 significant digits) and not, for example,
   E = 1.000 003 129 723 ...
as a single straight run of the program (without random rounding) might want to make you believe. More information on the technique, the background, and the pitfalls of the technique can be found in the article.

3. What the f95rr script does

The f95rr script implements random rounding by acting as as meta-compiler and inserting the random rounding code fragments (see below) into the compiled code before FP operations. The code fragments refer to a table of 216 FPU control words (integers which control how to FPU works in subsequent operations; in particular, its calculation precision and its rounding mode). This table is also added to the compiled program. This table can be changed at run time by function calls to obtain a variety of behaviors (see below).

Concretely, the script can be invoked as a Fortran compiler or C++ compiler and will then do the following:

4. Download f95rr script

click here (version: 2011-07-14)

5. Usage of f95rr script

Before running the script:
Other things you might need to do:
Re-compiling your program:
If the script is in your top-level PATH variable, invoking g++ or gfortran in some other directory should execute the f95rr.py script. We provided two example programs (example.F90 and example.cpp) to demonstrate the intended usage of the program. For example, let us consider 'example.F90':
program bla
   implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
   f = 0.0
   do i = 10000, 1, -1
      x = dble(i)
      f = f + x*dsin(x)
   end do
   print "(1x,A,2x,F20.15)", "final sum:", f
end program
Running the compiler script should produce the following output:
~/dev/f95rr> gfortran example.F90; a.out
* Setting default rounding; Random rounding PRNG: * JKISS [D. Jones, 'Good practice in (pseudo) random number generation..']
 final sum:  7186.139201355133991
This is the default output of the program (exact double precision result), apart from the first line, which is emitted by cw_control.c and can be disabled if this is desired. It produces the same number as before (although more slowly..) because the rounding mode table is initialized to 64bit, round-to-nearest. If we now want to measure the numerical stability of this process, we need to enable random rounding for the computation:
program bla
   implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
   ! from here on rounding mode table is double precision, random rounding.
   call set_random_rounding_64bit()
   f = 0.0
   do i = 10000, 1, -1
      x = dble(i)
      f = f + x*dsin(x)
   end do
   ! from here on rounding mode is back to normal (double precision, round to nearest)
   call set_default_rounding()
   print "(1x,A,2x,F20.15)", "final sum:", f
end program
If the program is now recompiled (just as before) and executed multiple times, it will give different results:
~/dev/f95rr> gfortran example.F90; a.out
* Setting default rounding; Random rounding PRNG: * JKISS [D. Jones, 'Good practice in (pseudo) random number generation..']
 final sum:  7186.139201355161276
~/dev/f95rr> a.out
 final sum:  7186.139201355102159
~/dev/f95rr> a.out
 final sum:  7186.139201355098521
~/dev/f95rr> a.out
 final sum:  7186.139201355199475
~/dev/f95rr> a.out
 final sum:  7186.139201355158548
~/dev/f95rr> a.out
 final sum:  7186.139201355080331
~/dev/f95rr> a.out
 final sum:  7186.139201355074874
This scattering can then be analyzed statistically to get a measure of the numerical stability (we recommend using root mean square scattering numbers).
Some common problems:

6. Feedback

Please address feedback to Gerald Knizia via knizia(at)theochem.uni-stuttgart.de. I'll try to help to get the script to work if I can. It's still experimental code and may take some tweaking in order to get working (but that is most likely still much easier than other forms of numerical stability analysis!).

I would greatly appreciate it if you would occasionally slip in a citation for the article if you used the f95rr script in your scholary work and found it useful.

-- C. Gerald Knizia, 2011. Last Update: 14. Jul. 2011